On Anzac Day each year Fire and Rescue NSW Anzac Day March Contingent Committee cordially invite the NSWFB Retirees Executive to attend the FRNSW Anzac Day Remembrance Service held at the City of Sydney Fire Station.
It is an honour and a privilege to lay a wreath on behalf of our Retirees Association. At the conclusion of the March, a barbeque and refreshments are provided for all Contingent participants and guests in the fire station yard.
Please find below a letter of appreciation sent to FRNSW Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell AFSM from the NSWFBR.
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the NSW Fire Brigades Retirees’ Association, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the FRNSW Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell AFSM, the Anzac Day Coordinating Committee, Contingent Co-Ordinator Superintendent Greg Houston, and all those involved for the splendid and touching Anzac remembrance service held at the City of Sydney Fire Station.
On this special occasion, it was both an honour and privilege for me to lay a wreath on behalf of the Retired Fire Fighters Association.
The Anzac Day Address given by Commissioner Fewtrell was an excellent tribute to the spirit of Anzac.
I was heartened to see once again in the printed Anzac Order of Proceedings booklet, the Vale page dedicated to former and current service Members who have passed away in the past twelve months. This is indeed an honorable tribute to those Members and their families.
The NSWFB Retirees’ Association wishes to thank all those who played a part in making the Anzac Day Service such a success. The proud Anzac spirit showed through on this occasion, along with the FRNSW traditions.
Yours sincerely,
Bill Powell AFSM
NSWFB Retirees’ Association